How accurate are the COD 3 leaks?
Out of all the content leaked over the last few weeks, how much is actually accurate? Robert Bowling, an employee of Infinity Wards states that some is accurate whereas some is very inaccurate. He recommends you wait for the actual reveal in his Twitter feed rather than believe all the leaks.
Although a very uninformative official trailer was released. The date of the reveal remains unknown, there is still no official date but it is rumoured that it will be revealed before E3 although it will most likely be revealed at E3.
How many of you will be buying this game when its released?
Nice try Activision… Publicity stunt again… Activision is not going to get my money this time (Black ops is the last one). It's just going to be the same again. They are just going to recycle some or maybe a lot of codes from previous CoD game and add some new ones there and here. Then make map packs and sell them. :@Greedy Bastards :@