EVGA’s iCX GeForce Cards Feature 10 Temperature Sensors
EVGA’s graphics card business took quite a hit to its reputation late last year after its GeForce GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 models were reportedly catching fire due to overheating VRMs. Keen to avoid such problems in future and restore consumer trust, EVGA has introduced a new cooling technology, iCX, which utilises ten temperature sensors to accurately monitor heat levels across its new graphics cards.
“With PC gaming growing, it is important to provide “Peace of Mind Gaming” to the user,” EVGA says. “With EVGA’s new iCX technology, users can have a better understanding of their cards operation. This includes temperature monitoring on key components (not just GPU), interaction with other devices and better cooling with asynchronous fan control providing better overclocking capabilities.”
EVGA boasts of the following benefits from its new cooling system:
- Featuring a total of 11 global patents (pending and granted), iCX is efficiency perfected.
- 9 Additional Sensors and MCU’s embedded on the PCB.
- Purposefully-directed Airflow Chambers.
- Newly Designed Die-Cast Baseplate and Backplate.
- Full Control Using EVGA Precision XOC.
- EVGA’s iCX is the Very Definition of Interactive Cooling.
The company’s new GTX 10-series cards will cost around $30 more than the older, ACX-cooled equivalents, though EVGA is offering a $99 trade-in to upgrade an ACX model for a new iCX card.