Ex-Blizzard Devs First Game Will be “PC Focused” for a “Core Audience”

PC Focused
I’m guessing a few of our readers have been following the progress of Bonfire Studios. The development studio is a new independent team headed by former World of Warcraft designer Rob Pardo. I’m sure he’s got a loyal fan base all of his own. However, they’ve been pretty quiet for the last couple of years. Of course, that’s because they’ve been making their new game!
PC Core Audience
Pardo gave us a few hints about their name game recently. Albeit, they’re pretty broad statements, but the PR train has got to start somewhere. We know they’re working with Unity Engine. The game focused on online multiplayer and competitive and even cooperative concepts but now incorporates all elements. To me that says squad-based MMO/MOBA/BattleRoyale. I mean, that’s what everyone else is doing these days anyway.
Pardo said “it’s a PC game” so that’s a start. “It’s definitely much more for a ‘core’ audience; we’re not going to suddenly go out and make Candy Crush.” He added. “Our time at Blizzard taught us well, what gamers want.”
The conversation with Bonfire starts at 12:50 if you want to skip through a bit.
About the Studio
“We are a game studio at the beginning of our journey. Our quest is to build legendary experiences that bring players closer together, united in a sense of adventure, exploration, and fellowship. Our vision is to create a studio culture that brings together the most talented developers in the world to work on small teams – where everyone can be empowered, learn from each other, and have a large impact. Imagination will be our compass. Join us on the adventure of a lifetime.” – Bonfire