Facebook Bans ‘Feeling Fat’?
Facebook users know that you can post a vast number of activities on your timeline, from what you are doing, like watching a certain movie, to how you are feeling at a moment in time. But have you ever wanted to post that you are feeling a bit ‘fat-ish’ after a big meal?
Well, whether you were aware of the ‘feeling fat’ emoji or not, Facebook has recently banned it after a number of complaints. It is said that the rosy-cheeked, double-chinned emoticon got banned after activists started a petition against it for its negative impact it might have for those struggling with eating disorders and general issues regarding body weight.
Thank you Gizmodo for providing us with this information
Wow, some people really have nothing better to do… Petition against a fucking emoticon? Give me a break…
PS: I’m feeling fat as fuck right now.
Wait. “Fat” isn’t a feeling?
Don’t try to apply logic to the Internet.