Facebook Joins GSMA To Become An Active Member Of Wireless Trade Group
Facebook has joined the GSMA, which for short is a group composed of mobile operators and other interested technology partners who work in standardizing and promoting the GSM cellular system.
GSMA spokeswoman Claire Cranton told FierceWireless that “Facebook is obviously a significant player in the mobile ecosystem, so a relationship with Facebook is important as the GSMA strives to deliver programs on behalf of our mobile operator members.” She said the organization has had “an ongoing relationship with Facebook for several years and we are pleased that Facebook has taken the decision to join the GSMA.” She also said the group “will look to engage with Facebook in programs that are mutually beneficial.”
In August Facebook forged a partnership with industry heavyweights like Ericsson, MediaTek, Nokia , Opera Software, Qualcomm and Samsung Electronics to launch Internet.org, a coalition dedicated to expanding online access via mobile. Facebook does not own any wireless spectrum or cell towers, but Cranton stated that if it were to acquire spectrum and “is allocated frequencies to operate a GSM network for the purpose of providing publicly available commercial services it would become eligible for full membership. At present Facebook has joined the GSMA as an associate member” but are also “look forward to playing an active role as a member.”
Facebook’s plans are getting clearer when looking at the leap towards the GSM area and the continuous expansion of Internet.org, however its influence in the association is likely to be felt when looking at the current 1000+ members.
Thank you The Verge and Fierce Wireless for providing us with this information
Image courtesy of BBC UK