Facebook Messenger Can Now Get Your Letter to the President
Social media has done what many has considered impossible for years. With people all over the world connecting on a daily basis, with everything from your old school friends from years ago to celebrities that you’ll likely never meet in person. Now it looks like Facebook Messenger could even bring you a step closer to the president as he will now start accepting letters through their new messenger channel.
President Obama established a pattern of reading at least 10 letters from the public every day, these were classic letters made with pen and paper. Now the White Houses latest addition, a Facebook messenger channel, will allow you to send those letters to an account to be combined with the physical letters that swarm through the White House doors on a regular basis.
As part of their digital outreach programs, you can access the messenger channel here if you have a Facebook account. With over 7 million already taking part in the channel from all over the world, it will be interesting to see if the next president upholds this new tradition of contacting and communicating with the public through social media.
You can find the White House’s official post regarding the new messenger channel here.