Fallout 4 Has A Room With Everything Inside It!
Bethesda has a reputation for making large games, from the olden world of Oblivion and more recently Skyrim to the barren Wastelands of Fallout 3 and most recently Fallout 4. Have you ever wondered though how you would go about testing so many weapons, items, pieces of armour and quest items? The easiest way is to collect everything, a library of magical items, laser cannons and nuclear weapons all collected in a single space. Are you interested yet?
The secret room, like with many features not intended to be found by everyone, can be found by typing in a console command (sorry, this means its PC available only). The command is “COC QASMOKE” and will transport your player to a room containing not just weapons and armour but every bobblehead, holotape and consumable in fallout 4.
If you want a glimpse of the room you can find it in the video below, warning there is some strong language in the video.
Fed up of that gentlemen who keeps blasting you away every time you get near? Maybe you don’t like the idea of giving yourself a super powerful weapon by console command, so why not just “relocate” your player for a bit, I mean it’s not like the AI will ever know… will it?
But it has console buttons when the items are approached – A & X…