Fan-Made Resident Evil 4 PS1-Style Demake Demo Available to Download

Resident Evil 4 is, quite possibly, one of the most universally praised releases from the (mostly) zombie-based franchise. As such, with an official remake almost certainly in the works, this undoubtedly represents an exceptionally anticipated release. Particularly so since it’s understood to be incorporating VR features/compatibility. – Given that this title still has no official release date, however, the mere mention of the game might have given you an itch you want to scratch.
Well, if that is the case, then we might have a perfect solution for you. Following a report via DSOGaming, a fan-made Resident Evil 4 Demake, designed for the PS1, has officially released what effectively represents its first ‘beta’ version that you can download and try out right now!
Resident Evil 4 PS1 Demake
Officially scheduled for a full-blown release in early 2022, the Resident Evil 4 is an amazing tribute to the retro styles the franchise established. Fixed camera angles, a traditional menu system, tank controls. Yes, for better or worse, this is an old-school Resident Evil experience! – With this particular release, however, there are a few caveats we need to get out of the way though.
Firstly, this is just a preview/demo and does not represent the entire demake currently underway. More so, this is definitely still a work in progress and the team behind this demake (Rustic Games BR) have made it abundantly clear that there are more than a few bugs present in this build that should, all going well, be polished out by the time the game gets a full and (in)formal release!
Where Can I Try It Out?
The Resident Evil 4 Demake ‘demo’ is currently available to PC users. Better still, you don’t need a PS1 emulator to run this as it has been completely designed from within Unity. In other words, you’re only a download, an extraction, and a double click away from checking this out! – If you do, therefore, want to give this fan game a spin, you can download the files necessary via the link here! – And we will, of course, update you accordingly when the full version is released!
(PS – You might want to grab this while you can before Capcom potentially swoops down).
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!