Fan-made Zelda Ocarina of Time releases Amazing Videos

For reasons that are entirely unclear, despite the recent huge rise in popularity of remasters and remakes, Nintendo seems more than a little hesitant to revisit some of their older releases. Of them all, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is, without a doubt, the one that people would most like to see get the modern treatment. While Nintendo doesn’t seem too willing to oblige, however, “CryZENx” has been working hard over the last few years to attempt to bring the game to modern life using the Unreal Engine 4.
We have already in the past seen a number of videos showcasing his progress and have never failed to be impressed. If you are a fan of his work, however, there’s good news! Some new videos have been released showing the current state of progress and, quite frankly, it looks pretty amazing.
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine 4
If you have regularly been following the updates to this project, you will note a significant number of improvements. Not only to the overall look of the game but in general things seem to be running a lot smoother. This is, of course, clearly still a long way from the finished product. The progress that has been made in the last couple of years, however, is clear for all to see.
Remember as well, for a fan-made project being conducted by just one person, this is clearly highly impressive.
Where Can I Play It?
Unlike prior versions of the game, this latest build is not available to download. Therefore, we’re in a look but don’t touch situation here which is a little frustating. Perhaps the most curious aspect, however, is that this project has been in development for quite some time and surely, by this point, Nintendo has become aware of it. So, why haven’t they shut it down like they usually do?
It may, therefore, be something of an agreement. Specifically, that they’ll allow him to continue and showcase the work, just as long as he doesn’t (at least for the time being) make it publicly available to play.
Whatever the situation may be, however, this is clearly very impressive and we can’t wait to see what “CryZENx” has planned for the future!
What do you think? Are you impressed with the work in these videos? Would you like to see this Zelda game get remastered? – Let us know in the comments!