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Far Cry 5 Gets Bumped to Version 1.5 With Latest Update

Far Cry 5 Update

Far Cry 5 Update 1.5

Have you been enjoying Far Cry 5? Then you’ll want to check out the new update that is set to be released today. With any luck, it’ll be out and be downloading by the time you’re reading this, and ready to play shortly afterwards.

Avatar Customisation

That’s right folks, you’ll be able to re-do the creation process in the Avatar menu. This includes support for new outfits, masks and more, giving you a little more freedom. Perhaps adding a false moustache later in the game, the bad guys won’t recognise you, right?


There’s plenty of dull stuff fixed too, such as crashing issues, performance problems, and the odd bit of misbehaving physics. Of course, they’re good things to fix when they’re going wrong, and I expect there are many more similar bugs still to be fixed.

Change Log

New Addition

  • Added the option to re-do the character creation process from the Avatar Customization menu
  • Added support for Masks and Special Outfits in the Avatar Customization menu

Improved Accessibility

  • Subtitles turned on by default for all languages when launching a New Game

Stability & Performance

  • Fixed multiple low occurrence crashes
  • Fixed an issue where client would receive a “bookworm” error after liberating an outpost while in a helicopter
  • Fixed low occurrence issues when skipping cinematics
  • Fixed some physics issues related to vehicle doors and weapon interactions
  • Fixed some instances of players respawning in an instant-death loop, including:
    • Fixed an issue where the client would get stuck in a instant-death loop if the host reloads a checkpoint while in a helicopter
    • Fixed an issue where the client would get stuck in a instant-death loop if the host invites a client while in a helicopter


  • Fixed multiple low occurrence walkthrough breaks, including:
    • Fixed a few issues that could cause the player to become locked outside of the bunker during the mission, “The Quality of Mercy”
    • Fixed an issue where the mission, “Broken Path,” would not progress under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a few issues that could cause the player to become locked outside of the bunker during the mission, “Casualties of War”
  • Fixed issue game could be stuck in an endless Credits loop under certain circumstances during the final mission, “Where it All Began”
  • Fixed issue where Mary May won’t spawn in the truck during Atonement if the player died during the drive to John Seed’s Ranch
  • Fixed some issues that was causing the time of day to become stuck when completing the mission, “The Cleansing,” or when using the Outpost Master feature


  • Fixed minor audio issues
  • Fixed some situations where SFX and music could go missing in specific circumstances
  • Fixed an issue where SFX would continue to play if a helicopter was destoryed in the Arcade

Companion, Enemy & Animal AI

  • General AI bug fixes including:
    • Fixed an issue where the Blessed would restart their falling animation when being shot while they are auto-reviving
    • Fixed an issue where Guns For Hire would not exit vehicle turret after falling in water
  • Cheeseburger’s total kills should now update more consistently

Gameplay & UI

  • Minor bug fixes for vehicles
  • Fixed issues with certain animal animations, including:
    • Fixed an issue where the Cougar and Moose would play invalid animations if the player cast a fishing line near them while they were in the water
  • Fixed some camera issues while performing takedowns
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in a mounted turret under certain circumstances
  • Fixed some challenges that weren’t tracking kills under certain situations
  • Fixed an issue where the player model could appear without clothes in the Avatar Customization menu
  • Fixed issues with cut-off text in some menus in certain languages
  • Fixed issues with text remaining on screen in certain circumstances
  • Fixed minor text issues in certain localized languages
  • Fixes and updates to weapon balance and statistics
  • Improvements to weapon animations and hand placement when near a wall


  • Various replication improvements, including:
    • Fixed an issue where a client could see weapons that were already picked up by hosts
    • Fixed an issue where the client’s arms would be in incorrect positions while holding a Compound Bow
    • Fixed an issue where the helicopter was not replicated correctly for the client after the host disabled it
  • General improvements to various missions while playing in Coop, including:
    • Fixed an issue where the cinematic during the mission, “Only You,” was obstructed by the Client
    • Fixed an issue where the client was unable to see the objective markers during the mission, “Where it All Began”
    • Fixed an issue with the transition during the mission, “Burn, Baby, Burn!,” if the client was in spectate mode
  • Fixed low occurrence walkthrough breaks while playing certain missions in Coop, including:
    • Fixed an issue where host/client would become stuck in a loading screen triggering the mission, “Special Delivery”
    • Fixed an issue where the mission, “Air Raid,” where the host and client would become stuck if the coop leash was broken
    • Fixed an issue where the mission, “The Hero’s Journey,” would not update after leaving Larry’s helicopter


  • Star ratings now properly reflect ratings
  • Minor graphical improvements to spectator camera
  • Improvements to matchmaking flow in Private and Public lobbies
  • Fixed low occurrence issues with player spawning without selected loadout
  • Fixed some issues with the PVP Announcer not playing certain lines
  • Fixed low occurrence crashes during host migration
  • Fixed issue where sometimes voice chat would not work
  • Fixed issue where sometimes player names were missing after being killed in PVP
  • Fixes and updates to weapon balance and statistics
  • Extended the map picking time in Public lobbies from 35 seconds to 50 seconds


  • Fixed minor bugs with certain map creation tools

Peter Donnell

As a child in my 40's, I spend my day combining my love of music and movies with a life-long passion for gaming, from arcade classics and retro consoles to the latest high-end PC and console games. So it's no wonder I write about tech and test the latest hardware while I enjoy my hobbies!

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