Femsplain Blog Targeted with DDoS Attack on Women’s Day
According to Amber Gordon, the founder of Femsplain, the blog has been taken down Sunday by a DDoS attack for a period of 3 hours, when the services came back online. The attack cannot be deemed as random, with the site been attacked on international Women’s Day.
Gordon has shared a tweet with a screenshot clearly showing the outstanding traffic increase during the time of the attack. She has also noted that these type of attacks are not rare, however, the attacks haven’t been so severe until now.
It is also said that Twitter accounts taking responsibility for the attack used the hashtag #inteernationalwomensday, clearly emphasising that the attack was not chosen at random.
Femsplain is said to have been created late last year to create a place for women to discuss topics from online harassment to Gamergate. It has a group of female contributors who publish stories to the site, as well as share reader submissions.
Thank you The Verge for providing us with this information