FiercePC Imperial Lightstorm Gaming PC Review
Acoustics and Temperatures
Despite the pretty heavy overclocking going on with this system, the temperatures are remarkably good. That is, of course, in no small part due to the fantastic cooling system here. As you can see though, with an idle temperature of just 26 (and remember, this CPU is overclocked) this is exceptionally impressive. Even when under load the figures are still very good indeed.
The GPU is not a part of the cooling system so that in regard the figures are a little more ‘normal’. Despite that though, the chassis design and cooling airflow clearly helps keep this running comfortably.
The FiercePC Imperial Lightstorm, despite all the fans, is remarkably quiet. While the sheer amount of things does push the idle noise levels up a little, when it’s working hard you really see that cooling system at its best. As you can see, under full load while the system did get a little louder it is exceptionally quieter than many others we have seen.
Admittedly, many of the worse comparatives are laptops, but remember, this system has 9 fans. 12 if you include those on the GPU! As such, to be so quiet is very remarkable indeed!