First Apple Watch Apps Demoed
With the Apple Watch rapidly approaching, we’re beginning to see a number of Apple Watch apps being demoed by various developers. While many of the major developers are keeping many of their plans under a shroud of secrecy, one developer, Todoist, makers of the popular to-do app of the same name, gave screenshots and video of their under-development app to MacRumors.
Their work offers an interesting insight into life with an Apple Watch.
“Once inside the main Todoist app, the user can access their Inbox, Projects (and full task lists within each project), Labels, Filters, and a ‘Today’ view showing all tasks for the day, as well as overdue tasks. When you tap on a task to get the detailed view, you will be able to see the task’s associated labels, its due date, its priority level, and you will be able to either “complete” or “postpone” the task directly from the watch. If you don’t want to complete or postpone the task, you use the watch’s microphone to explicitly assign a time/date to the task (this feature is still in development).”
Apple released the first SDK for the device a few months ago, but was limited in giving us non-developers any idea as to how the device would function. Well now, thanks to this video and the efforts of developers like Todoist, we can start to get a feel for it. There is no doubt however, the real verdict will only be made once we’ve had one on our wrist.
Source: MacRumors