First Cities Skylines 2 In Game Images Spotted on Xbox Store

/ 2 years ago

The sequel to the greatest City Builder available, Cities Skylines, is highly anticipated among fans of the genre however all the details surrounding what to expect are still quite dark but some eagle-eyed users have spotted in-game images on the Xbox store that have since been removed.

Cities Skylines 2 In Game Image’s Spotted on Xbox Store

The images were spotted by Reddit user usman_923 who shared a web.archive link for the Cities Skylines 2 store page. In the screenshots, we can see several in-game shots giving us an idea of the graphics as well as the in-game UI and as someone who has clocked 400+ hours in the game, I like what I’m seeing. Graphically it appears as though they have gone for a more realistic look as opposed to the cartoony look of the first game as the lighting looks much more neutral and the shadows appear stronger. The images also confirm that the game will actually include skyscrapers as opposed to the fairly weak skyscrapers in the first game. In another image, we can see the UI which looks very similar to the first game but is larger, clearer and more spaced out which means it should be good for familiarity.

If you would like to view the images yourself the links are included on the Reddit post below.

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