Five Best PC Headsets Available For Under £100
When it comes to picking the right peripherals for your system, it is safe to say that you are going to be spoilt for choice and regardless of your budget it will be hard to narrow down your choices for each component. While the keyboard and mouse options out there may be seemingly limitless, so too are the choices for audio equipment.
Today we are taking a quick look at five of the best headsets on the market for £100 or less (for our American friends that’s approx $150 at time of writing), hopefully offering something to suit many different budgets and while we do know of a few great headsets well above £100, even well above £200! They’re not often the play thing of your average consumer or gamer.
Budget is important, but so is performance and while I can’t admit to having tried every PC headset on the market, I have certainly seen more than a fair share of them. All the headsets I list in this article are ones that I have personally owned, tested and have written full reviews of here on eTeknix, so full review links will be provided. I’m not going to tell you these are the five best headsets on the market, these are my personal choices, if you think you know of a better headset for the same price range, by all means post it as a comment below and help others by sharing your advice in a constructive manner.
Were going to be looking specifically at PC headsets today and it doesn’t matter if you just want to game, watch movies in peace or Skype call your friends, I’m sure we have something here that will suit you. All prices were taken as approximate from Google Shopping and were correct at time of writing.