Free-to-play PC Gaming Guide
An online Mech game from Adhesive Games, is already shaping up to be amazing, you can view a video of the game play here. Due to be released in December as a Free-to-Play Mech-em-up MMO “Hawken” is now accepting beta signups on it’s official website.
The first thing you notice about this game though is the graphics, for a game which is essentially an Indie game being developed by a small team, everything about the game looks absolutely stunning and this is deffinately one to watch out for later in the year, of course there is also Mech Warrior Online coming this year, but surely there will only be room for one Mech MMO and I’m putting my money on Hawken.
When I think of Crytek, the first two things that pop into my head are graphics and quality, with the two ground breaking Crysis games under their belt and the stunning CryEngine 3 never failing to wow gamers, it seems amazing that they would take a free-to-play approach when it comes to their next title. Warface will be an online FPS with a slightly futuristic setting, something they have experience in creating as we know from Crysis, built upon the CryEngine 3 technology which we can assume means the graphics, physics and AI will be best in class examples.
Crytek promises us “dramatic multiplayer co-op missions, a full set of class based PVP” when this game launches for PC, I expect this title to blow all other FPS free-to-play games back to 1999 upon launch and it’s definitely one title you should be looking out for.
Ghost Recon: Online
The Ghost Recon francise is pretty much a byword for tactical shooter, with it’s strong blend of future technology, realistic game play, stunning AI and Physics and team based game play, I wouldn’t expect anything less from their next title GR: Online, ok so their are no shortage of free-to-play shooters on the market, but for those who prefer tactics to run and gun gameplay, there are few games that do it better than Ghost Recon.
It’s already shaping up to be pretty special and is due to launch later this year, or you could try your hand at applying for the beta here.
Awesome info!
APB Reloaded is great fun with friends, Tribes ascend I found gets old really really quickly (like an hour)
Tribes is worth a visit now and then, once you get into the swing of it anyway, but even if you only play a couple of hours, free game for a few hours = good value in any book lol
League of Legends no need to spend cash
You should have included LOTR Online instead of WOW. It doesn’t have leveling caps.
Couldn’t include what I hadn’t played 🙂 but thank you for the suggestion, I never really get enough time on WoW to worry about caps, I just lark around on there from time to time
Extremely disappointing. You did say you researched free to play right?
Care to elaborate?
will you be adding to this with more games in the coming weeks?
we may do a part 2 🙂
Planetside 2 definitely deserves to be on this! It’s about to enter beta, signups are at
Heroes of newerth became free 2 play ater they tried to sell it. S2 was a small company and they realised this is making them more money with micro purashes, same goes for steam powerhouse : dota 2, the small intrest in items you can buy and not effecting the gameplay is a good tactic, people have a choise, which of you buy a game for 60 euros and realised you dont like it , it was a wast of alot of money. this way f2p let people have a choise , if they like it they will pay more, which i do not like are games that are f2p but pay2win, buy this item for 10 euros and your awesome, so becareful for that type of games, rest i think f2p is new standard later on.