Freshtech DS230 GTX 1050 Ti Gaming PC Review
Gaming Performance
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V’s gorgeous visuals, advanced lighting effects and detailed environments look absolutely fantastic on the PC. During 1080p testing, the system’s graphics solution performed brilliantly and maintained a smooth, fluid frame-rate above 60 with very few dips. Once the resolution was increased to 2560×1440, the performance remained solid and surprisingly playable. As expected, 4K isn’t an option for the GTX 1050 Ti and it’s only really included as a comparison with other results.
After scaling back the settings, the system managed to break the 100 frames-per-second mark alongside a 1080p monitor and I didn’t notice any drops below 60. This creates a splendid user experience and the drop in visual fidelity isn’t too substantial. On another note, the system can exceed 60 frames-per-second with a 1440p monitor and this is a really impressive feat. It’s even possible to go beyond 30 frames-per-second while running the game on a 4K panel. Although, there are definitely some massive frame drops which you’ll struggle to accept.
Rise of the Tomb Raider
In Rise of the Tomb Raider, the Very High preset seemed overly taxing and prevented the system from achieving a 60 frames-per-second average even on a 1080p display. Despite this, the 46.7 average is worthy of praise and a good boost compared to the console’s locked 30 frames-per-second figure at lower visual details. Interestingly, the system can uphold a decent 30 frames-per-second average with a 1440p display, but this doesn’t tell the whole story. Sadly, certain areas with lots of action going on at the same time cause the frame-rate to plummet.
Here we can see there is a major performance improvement when switching to the High preset. This time, the graphics card just falls short of the ideal 60 frames-per-second target. The gap isn’t enough to pose a problem and you’ll be able to enjoy the game without worrying about hitching or intermittent stutter. Selecting a 2560×1440 monitor with the High preset yields decent results and helps the sub-60 frame-rate to seem more consistent.
Hitman is an extremely demanding game on the Ultra preset and requires top-tier graphics hardware. As a result, the Freshtech Solutions Aerocool DS230’s graphics card struggles and isn’t really capable of taming this title’s maximum settings. Saying that, the 1080p average is 38.9 frames-per-second and that may be suitable for some users. Unlike the previous games, the frame dips are a lot more frequent, leading to a jarring user experience.
Enabling the High preset has a positive effect and ensures the 1080p frame-rate is much more playable. Even though the system isn’t able to reach the 60 frames-per-second mark, the performance is good for the money. During 1440p testing, the frame-rate improves slightly but it’s not enough to eliminate the stutter and sporadic frame dips.
Far Cry Primal
In Far Cry Primal, the GTX 1050 Ti achieved a 40 frames-per-second average on a 1080p monitor. This is an excellent result when you consider the Ultra preset is quite challenging to contend with, especially for budget GPUs. Unfortunately, the graphics card begins to struggle during 1440p testing and doesn’t have the horsepower to maintain a solid 30 frames-per-second figure.
Opting for the High preset greatly enhances the performance and allowed the system to almost obtain a 60 frames-per-second average throughout 1080p benchmarking. As you can see, the 1440p frame-rate didn’t improve too much, but going beyond 30 might be enough to make it playable for certain users.