The Future of Facebook Will Be Wearable, According to Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg, creator and CEO of Facebook, predicts that by 2025 Facebook will be integrated into proprietary wearable devices.
“In another 10 to 15 years … there will be another platform which is even more natural and even more built into our lives than mobile phones are,” Zuckerberg said. “It’s pretty easy to imagine that in the future, we will have something that … we can wear.”
Zuckerberg made the forecast during a Q&A session at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia, but followed up by saying that he doesn’t yet know what form the wearable will take. He does assure the more fashion-conscious Facebook users that, whatever it is, it won’t look “weird like some of the stuff that exists today. You’ll just be able to have context about what’s going on around you in the world, and communicate with people, and not have to disrupt your conversations by looking down.”
Facebook, of course, now owns the ultimate in ‘wearable devices’ after its $2 billion purchase of Oculus, creator of the virtual reality headset Oculus Rift, last Summer.
Source: The Street
MobiGlas incoming 😀