Gainward GTX 760 Phantom 2GB Graphics Card Review
Power Consumption
With electricity becoming increasingly expensive across most parts of the world the need for computer components to become power efficient has never been more relevant. Graphics cards are often the most power hungry components inside a system so having an efficient graphics card is very important to keeping power bills under control. Power is often correlated to heat and so lower power consumption means a graphics card is likely to run slightly cooler and put out less heat into your system meaning your other components will run cooler with improved longevity. AMD and Nvidia have also both made power consumption an integral part of the way graphics cards dynamically overclock so the need for graphics card vendors to use efficient VRM and PCB designs is becoming important to maximise performance.
Find details of our power consumption methodology on page 3.
Though the cooler may be effective & attractive to some, I think it’s too chunky, especially for a mid range card. Nothing wrong with the cards performance though. Worth looking into if you’re in the market for a 760.
I wish they sold Gainward cards in the States. Palit too..