Gaming Site Joystiq to Shut Down
Ryan Simmons / 10 years ago
Re/code reports that AOL, owner of gaming site Joystiq, is “likely” to shut it down. They say that the site will probably be closed as part of a wider effort to cut its under-performing properties.
The site itself poked fun at the “rumour” with its own article, saying that “We do not comment on rumor and speculation,” and that “Sources tell Joystiq that the staff is aware of the closure, but corporate hasn’t officially told them, so they are unable to acknowledge anything out of concern that it will cause immediate shutdown.”
The site was originally an extension of Engadget’s gaming news and was part of Weblogs, a property AOL purchased in 2005. Re/code says that more closures are coming at AOL, a company that owns a large number of some of the web’s biggest blogs and news sites, including TechCrunch, Engadget and The Huffington Post.
Source: Re/code