Gigabyte SkyVision WS100 WHDI Caster Review
Chris Hadley / 12 years ago
Getting to grips with the SkyVision kit took no time at all with installation/setup being as simple as it says on the box. Plug in the transmitter and the receiver, turn it all on and the system automatically links both parts together. Some will ask what the need is for the pairing button on the transmitter, well it turns out you can have multiple transmitters paired with a single receiver unit and via the OSD, any one of the transmitters can be selected for use. Further more, to individualise each transmitter, they can be renamed by using the buttons on the front of the receiver to tell them apart.
Moving over to the units themselves, I really like how they both look, albeit a no thrills affair, Gigabyte have made both parts look stylish, clean and modern. With both parts being small and relatively compact, the kit is far more portable and discrete when installed. The other advantage I’ve found with this particular kit as mentioned above, is the ability to have more than one transmitter unit paired to a single receiver, which in environments where there are potentially multiple sources available, saves the hastle of unplugging and moving the transmitter unit from one point to another on a constant basis.
At this moment, the SkyVision WS100 is still in its final stages of testing and is due to be on the shelves very shortly. When it does arrive, we expect to see it priced at around £99, which when marked against its competitors, is slightly lower in price and therefore makes this stylish item even more attractive to buy.
Having seen WHDI casters in use and having used one myself in a couple of different environments, I can certainly see their growing potential and for those that are considering one for either a personal situation such as the TV on the wall scenario or for the more corporate positioning with schools and offices in mind, the convenience that they offer just add to the package.