Gigabyte Z77-D3H (Z77) Motherboard Review
AIDA64 Extreme Edition is a streamlined Windows diagnostic and benchmarking software for home users. AIDA64 Extreme Edition provides a wide range of features to assist in overclocking, hardware error diagnosis, stress testing, and sensor monitoring. It has unique capabilities to assess the performance of the processor, system memory, and disk drives. AIDA64 is compatible with all current 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems, including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
USB 3.0 performance on this board was in-line with where it should be with our flash drive maxing out the controller at around 285MB/s.
Is CPU-Z soooo buggy?
On page six CPU-Z shows “Core Voltage 1.068 V” while below You wrote 1.38 Volts. 😉
When we reviewed and tested CPU-Z was not fully supported then by the CPU and we had an evaluation sample as well.
where i can find this cd driver pack to download??? thnks… very needed 🙁