Gmail Add More Features To Fight Junkmail
Fed up of getting a constant stream of marketing mails, are you unable to find the unsubscribe link in the email, or maybe you just keep putting off removing your name from the mailing lists? Well don’t worry, it looks like Google have got a solution for Gmail users that will make it as simple as one click to throw out the trash from your email folders.
Starting this week a new unsubscribe link will appear in the top header field in marketing emails. Some small percentage of users will have already had this feature, but it will now be made available to the Gmail masses automatically as Google roll out the updates.
“One of the biggest problems with the Gmail spam filter is identifying unwanted mail or soft spam,” said Google’s Vijay Eranti, who heads anti-abuse efforts at Gmail.
There is a big difference between clicking spam and unsubscribe, especially since clicking spam will flag the sender in Googles database as a spammer, so using the new unsubscribe button for genuine mail that you no longer want is important, everything else should get the spam hammer.
Hardly the biggest news of the day I’ll admit, but so many times I’ve gotten a junk email from a mailing list simply because I’m too lazy to sort through them all and unsubscribe, even today I still get mail old mailing lists that I no longer want, promotional campaigns are more, so maybe this will encourage me to limit the amount of garbage through my own email address.
Thank you IT world for providing us with this information.