Good News Presidenté! – Tropico 6 Launches A Free Open Beta

Tropico 6 Open Beta
I am a pretty huge fan of the Tropico franchise. I have been pretty much since the original game was released. Perhaps it appealed to the lovable dictator inside of me, but the ability to have a Sim City style game but with a heavy Castro’s Cuba inspired feel about it just ticked a lot of boxes for me.
I was, therefore, more than a little disappointed when the latest instalment, Tropico 6, was delayed out of February and into end March. For those of us who did have the game on pre-order, however, we have been able to wet our lips with some (honestly decent) beta releases.
If you don’t have this game on pre-order, however, but are more than a little curious, then I have some good news for you! – Following a promotion launched on the official Steam store,
Where Can I Try It Out?
If you have Steam installed on your PC, you can access the beta right now via the official page. If you want the manual link, however, you can access it via the link here!
Please bear in mind though, if you do want to try this out, you need to act quickly! While this is currently a free open beta, it will end at circa 5pm (GMT) on the 8th of March.
If you do, therefore, have a bit of free time, make sure you try this out. I promise you Presidenté! You will not regret it!
What do you think? Are you excited for the release of Tropico 6? – Let us know in the comments!