Google Plans to ‘DeRank’ Russia Today and Sputnix Following Election Investigation
Mike Sanders / 7 years ago
Google announces that Russia Today and Sputnix are set to be de-ranked for search results
How high you feature on Google can be important. It can also be expensive. When Google plans to demote your ranking priority, it does not do so lightly.
Facebook has in recent times been under a lot of scrutinies. Particularly in regards to the news it spread possibly affecting the US Election results.
It is such senate investigations that have likely prompted Google into action. Put simply they are de-ranking two of Russias most major western news links in search results.
In a report via the BBC, the news agencies haven’t taken the news too well. In fairness, you wouldn’t necessarily expect them to be happy about it, would you?
The impact of de-ranking
While Russia Today particularly may not be your first choice for news, they are a major provider. If you hadn’t noticed them online you have more than likely found their channel on television.
In addition to Sputnix, both news agencies are thought to be directly governmentally controlled. So, in other words, what Putin reports is what they report.
In response, the editor of both papers (the same person apparently) Margarita Simonyan has said: “Good to have Google on record as defying all logic and reason: facts aren’t allowed if they come from RT, ‘because Russia’ – even if we have Google on Congressional record saying they’ve found no manipulation of their platform or policy violations by RT.”
While they might have a point (just barely) it should be noted that Twitter also found themselves caught up in the Russian propaganda issue. So despite what the news companies say, Google’s decision is hardly surprising or indeed unwise.
What do you think? A sensible decision? Do RT and Sputnik have a point? Let us know in the comments!