Google Ends Chrome Support on Windows 7 and 8!

With official support now officially over from Microsoft for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 it’s hardly any surprise that, sooner or later, third-party applications would also start to look to move away from the operating systems. There isn’t, after all, much point throwing resources at platforms that are effectively, from a business standpoint at least, dead. Let alone waste money paying people to continue to offer support for a notably dwindling user base.
With that being said, however, we know full well that many of you are there are still rocking Windows 7. – If you are, however, then you might want to pay attention as following a report via TechRadar, Google has officially confirmed that Chrome support for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 has ended!

Google Ends Chrome Support on Windows 7-8.1
Based on the best current market share projections, Windows 7 through 8.1 only has (at best) around a 15% market share. Given that Google Chrome has a huge 70% market share, however, I think it would be fair to say that a lot of people still on these operating systems are also utilising this browser.
Why is this news important though? Well, truth be told, if you are still on Windows 7 or 8, then you’ve been without official security support for a while anyway so you probably don’t care. Security is, however, the key point. With no more updates from Google, Chrome will, on those operating systems, get more and more vulnerable as exploits potentially get discovered in the future.
If Microsoft can’t get you to move to Windows 10 or 11 though, I doubt this news from Google will.
What do you think though? – Let us know in the comments!