Google Health Now Contains Over 900 Illnesses Information
Google is developing a lot of tools and technologies that are said to be shaping the future. From their AR glasses, Google Glass, to their self driving cars, Google is not staying with just the internet when it comes to what they develop. One of their software pieces is titled Google Health, and surprise surprise it helps people with their health. I say it helps people with their health, it helps people know and understand the symptoms and treatments related to a particular ailment; Google has recently expanded this system to include over 900 illnesses and their symptoms.
The concept is simple, if you hear about an illness or think you may have one you can search it up by its name or even the symptoms and then using this you can quickly find out about treatments and what is actually happening. Google has been keen to make sure this information is correct and has consulted and is continuing to communicate with Doctors and Specialists as they expand and update the system.
Among the chief users of the system are intact doctors and other medical professionals, with doctors even requesting a new feature which lets you print off the information about the illness, meaning you can hand into your doctor the information you have regarding treatments and what may have caused it.
I know we keep getting told to avoid self-diagnosis but if it’s done right, which this app aims to help with, the effect on the health services could lessened to just dealing with situations, not discovering what they could be.
Thank you Google for the information and the image.