Google Play Game Services Officially Detailed
This week we brought you news that Google were looking to setup a new, unified gaming experience on Android and that is exactly what they’ve delivered on today! Bringing with this new software update will be systems for multiplayer, leaderboards, cloud saves and achievements to name but a few, making the popular mobile platform just as competent in terms of features as that offered by Steam, XBL and PSN.
Google Play Game Services is a big game changer for Google, quite literally and not only will it allow for a much more pleasant and involving gaming experience on the Android OS but it will also bridge your experience and accounts across multiple devices and even platforms.
The biggest change will be the inclusion of real-time multiplayer, with the addition of leaderboards, cloud saves and achievements helping to bring the Android gaming platform up to speed with gamers demands, something that will no doubt go down very well with Android game developers.
This is all done through Google+ and while I know that the service may not have replaced Facebook, it does work a charm with integrating your Google services and this could be the glue that Google has been looking for to bring Google+ and consumers back together again.
Developers already have the service available to them, so expect the new features to roll out very shortly and extensively throughout the Android gaming store.
Thanks a ton Google but for the foreseeable future I’ll stick just with Windows, x86/x64, etc. for all my gaming needs.,