Google Unveils Technical Specifications of Cardboard V2 VR Headset
Google has made the technical specification of its latest cardboard, virtual reality headset publicly available which now supports 6-inch mobile devices. The cardboard headset ecosystem is extremely intriguing due to the low cost, and allows customers to instantly test the latest prototypes without waiting for retail versions to appear. As a result, the cardboard VR project already has an active development scene and developers are eagerly awaiting the V2 specifications to optimize new code for the device.
The full specification containing technical drawings can be downloaded here but it is quite detailed and crammed full of information. Virtual Reality is touted as the future of gaming and has great potential for other real-world scenarios. I was quite sceptical of the cardboard VR headset but grown to really see its appeal and realize how easily the unit could be mass produced. People with technical skills can now access the documentation and provide feedback about the design. This should allow for widespread press coverage through professional outlets, forums and YouTube videos.
Currently, cost is a major issue when it comes to VR and the majority of headsets retail in excess of £200. Also, there’s nothing better than creating a piece of technology from scratch, using your own hands.
Have you picked up a VR headset yet?
Thank you Venturebeat for providing us with this information.