Grand Theft Auto V Mods Continue to Amaze!
Grand Theft Auto IV continues to amaze, even today, as modders push the game to its limits. However, it’s bigger brother, GTA V, didn’t take much time at all to far exceed what was visually possible, at least once the modding community ripped it to apart then rebuilt it piece by piece. Even now, I’m pretty certain we haven’t seen the limits of what can be done to this game, but the current results are certainly a sight to behold.
“Oh my god, why didn’t you give us all download links for this mod” I hear you cry. That’s because this isn’t a “mod”, these modded builds are the end result of many mods large and small, many file tweaks and most importantly some custom ENBSeries addons; Google them, you’ll find loads! Modding is easy, maxing out a game like this is not, so make sure you’ve got plenty of VRAM, a fast card and are willing to download huge texture files from various mod websites such as 5mods and Nexus.
Enjoy the images below, they really are a sight to behold. As a bonus, the last image is a modded image from shortly after the games release, it really puts it into perspective how far the game has come!
To add a little perspective, here’s the kind of modded images people were uploaded shortly after the games release!