These Guys Actually Built The Flaming Sword From Fallout 4
There are many iconic weapons in Fallout 4, all of which are unique and deadly in their own way. However, one of the most noteworthy weapons is definitely the “Shishkebab”, which was actually introduced in Fallout 3. Basically a flaming sword, the Shishkebab can be built in-game using lawnmower blades, a gas tank from a motorcycle, a brake lever and a pilot light, but its real-life version is actually a little bit different. Yes, you read it right.
An artist known as “Platinumfungi” and Caleb Kraft from Make have put together an actual Fallout 4 inspired flaming sword, and even though its design varies a bit from its virtual counterpart, this thing is just as glorious and frightening.
The two decided to use a Katana instead of lawnmower blades, and they had to give up on the fuel canister because of a few constraints. They also tinkered with the piping a bit because the original design didn’t make much sense. The sword is fully functional and was put together in less than a week, which is quite a newsworthy achievement in itself. Apart from the sword, the duo also managed to build a Pip-Boy, a costume and a series of props. Have a look at the following video if you want to see their Shishkebab in action.