Halo Infinite Season 3 “Biggest Multiplayer Update” Launches March 7

Halo Infinite Season 3
343 Industries has announced the release date of Season 3 for Halo infinite dubbed as “the biggest multiplayer update” including a new 100-tier Battle Pass, three new maps, a new mode, a new weapon, a new equipment item, and cosmetics all coming on March 7th.
Whats New?
The new season of course brings in a new 100-tier battle pass which is to be expected for any game nowadays, and In the reveal trailer three new maps are shown off, one for BTB and 2 for Arena.
- New BTB Map: Oasis
- New Arena Map: Cliffhanger
- New Arena Map: Chasm

The update also brings in a new weapon named the M392 Bandit as well as showcases the new shroud screen equipment. as well as a new game mode titled ‘escalation slayer’ which i’m guessing is a mode similar to Call of Duty’s Gun game or CS:GO’s arms race where you get a new weapon after every kill.

Also more maps have been added to the community playlist from the Halo Forge; Starboard, Perilous and Salvation.
Halo Infinite Season 3 Echoes Within is Available March 7 and you can watch the Launch Trailer which provides a detailed look at the new maps and equipment Here.