HIS Radeon HD 6970 MIX 2GB Graphics Card Review
PackagingHIS have decided to stick to the styling they’ve used for a while now, giving a bombardment of logos around the box to tell you of the features whilst the general theme is cold and icy as this is part of the IceQ range.
On the side we find a brief description showing us what various graphics card connectors look like, such as PCI and PCI-Express.
The other side shows a list of what comes included in the box in terms of the card, accessories and installation materials.
The back talks a bit more about the main features of the card and also shows the support this card has in terms of Eyefinity and other key AMD features.
Opening the box up finds us confronted with a booklet which opens up to reveal an installation disc, user guide, case sticker and Dirt 3 voucher code.
Also inside is a DVI to VGA adapter.
A HDMI to DVI cable is also included.
For further connectivity we find a Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort cable.
For powering the card, HIS include two twin Molex to PCI-Express adapter cables, one of which is a 6-pin connector, whilst the other is an 8-pin connector.
A HDMI cable is also included, which HIS wouldn’t normally include, so this is nice that they’ve done this.
Lastly for users wanting more performance a CrossFire connector is also bundled in.
I think its fortunate it even got a Bronze award when the whole reason the card was designed doesn't even work, what a stupid card
It works as a 6970, but for that extra for a feature that doesn't work, it makes it a stupid buy and yeah i agree that it was lucky to get bronze.I've already seen a couple of other sites sugarcoat it and say it's a good card even if hydra doesn't work. No it's really not, it's a terrible card that the 6950's kept up with most of the time and are a damn sight cheaper.Hate it when sites can't be honest about it in the fear of upsetting sponsors.
Very lucky to get Bronze award :confused: It looks bad, it sounds bad and its perform bad. Cant agree more with you Andy.
Green team wins
+1 :rolleyes: