Graphics Cards
HIS Radeon HD 6970 MIX 2GB Graphics Card Review
Unigine HeavenHeaven 2.1 is regarded to be one of the most intensive Benchmarking utilities about at the moment along with the likes of 3DMark. It makes use of highly comprehensive tessellation technology, advanced SSAO (screen-space ambient occlusion) and a highly defined light algorithm to produce ever changing light conditions amongst other items.
In Heaven the card fell at around the same performance as the 6950 showing no real potential by having this card over the cheaper 6950 based cards.
I think its fortunate it even got a Bronze award when the whole reason the card was designed doesn't even work, what a stupid card
It works as a 6970, but for that extra for a feature that doesn't work, it makes it a stupid buy and yeah i agree that it was lucky to get bronze.I've already seen a couple of other sites sugarcoat it and say it's a good card even if hydra doesn't work. No it's really not, it's a terrible card that the 6950's kept up with most of the time and are a damn sight cheaper.Hate it when sites can't be honest about it in the fear of upsetting sponsors.
Very lucky to get Bronze award :confused: It looks bad, it sounds bad and its perform bad. Cant agree more with you Andy.
Green team wins
+1 :rolleyes: