Huawei is Reportedly Already Developing 6G Technology

As you have probably heard in the news, many Western countries are starting their official 5G rollout. Specifically, as they look to bring their existing wireless networks up to the most modern specifications and speeds. Huawei isn’t, of course, a company without controversy and being one of the biggest telecoms providers in the world, they are currently battling with various governments over spying concerns in their technology.
Despite all this, however, in a report via CNET, despite 5G still being in its deployment infancy, they are already working on their next-generation 6G products.
Huawei and 6G Development
It is somewhat bizarre to be discussing 6G technology. Particularly when 5G is only just starting to get deployed. It has, however, been said that Huawei’s R&D centre in Ottawa (Canada) is already beginning work on the new network. One that, we can only presume, would provide blisteringly fast wireless speeds.
While they may be developing it, however, it’s not going to gloss over the problems Huawei currently has.

What Do We Think?
While there will, of course, be a 6G network at some point, it’s a long way off in the future. Even optimistic estimates suggest that a rollout wouldn’t be seen before 2030. As such, while it’s a long way off Huawei is showing some major forward-thinking here. There may, however, be something of a catch…
When you consider that many countries are currently debating whether to use their technology at all, it’s a development that the Western world may never see!
What do you think? Do you own any Huawei products? Do you have any security concerns with them? – Let us know in the comments!