Humble Origin Bundle Is Revealed! Top-Tier Titles For Pay-What-You-Want Prices
Ryan Martin / 11 years ago
After the successes of the Humble Deep Silver Bundle I thought the next amazing bundle would take a while to come around but I have just been proven wrong. The latest Humble Bundle is teaming up with Origin and EA to offer a wide range of top tier titles. As you can see above there is Dead Space and Dead Space 3 on offer, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Mirror’s Edge, Medal of Honor, Battlefield 3 and the Sims 3 with Starter Pack DLC.
For once there is a “minimum” for the order, of $1, but for $1 you can pick up Dead Space and Dead Space 3, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Mirror’s Edge and Medal of Honor. For meeting or beating the current average of $4.74 you can get Battlefield 3 and the Sims 3 with the Starter Pack DLC.
Unlike many previous bundles EA is allowing 100% of proceeds to go to charity or the humble tip. Yes that’s right EA isn’t taking a penny from any of these game sales, they don’t even give you the option to give them money as part of your purchase. The charities are Human Rights Campaign, Watsi, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, American Cancer Society and American Red Cross. You can also donate part of the amount to the Humble Bundle organisation.
In terms of how the games are delivered, all the titles are given Origin codes. Additionally, you can get Steam codes for Dead Space, Burnout Paradise, Crysis 2, Mirror’s Edge and Medal of Honor. That means in effect you get two of those games and of course if you prefer one platform over the other you can give the other keys to a friend.
So we’d encourage everyone who plays games, even if only infrequently, to pick this bundle up because it is unlikely you’ll ever see all these games this cheap again in the history of EA’s existence.
Image courtesy of Humble Bundle