Humble THQ Bundles ends with over $5 Million earned from selling 885,323 bundles
THQ’s Bundle ends at the end of the day and raised $5,097,789.02, an amount that will be split between THQ, Charities and the Humble Bundle group.
As told before, the Humble THQ Bundle crossed $2 million within 24 hours and hit $4 million a few days back. At first, THQ offered Red Faction Armageddon, Darksiders, Metro 2033, Company of Heroes, COH: Opposing fronts, COH: Tales of Valor and Saint’s row the third. Once it crossed the $4 million point, THQ added Titan Quest and, Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War DLC for Red Faction Armageddon called “Path to War”.
Source: Humble THQ Bundle