IE8 users have low IQs, IE6 users are stupid….Survey concludes
Ryan Martin / 13 years ago
AptiQuant a market research firm specialising in psychometric consulting provided a variety of online tests to test the intelligence level of users of different browsers, different browser versions and different themes/customisations of particular browsers. It tested over 100,000 people and came to some interesting results. Here are some of the conclusions they came to from their data:
- Users of IE6 had the lowest IQ
- Users of IE8 performed better than IE6 users but performed below those using Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
- Users of IE with Chrome Frame, Camino or Opera were smarter than users of IE8 and similar to those of Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
- Users who were reluctant to change tended to have lower IQs, hence why lower versions of browsers had lower IQs.
This shows therefore that the majority of the IE users were those who had the browser with their operating system initially and their reluctance to change to another browser is derived from the fact they do not know about the possible benefits or drawbacks of other browsers either out of stupidity or ignorance. Still want to use Internet Explorer?