Incredible Pokemon Game in Minecraft Doesn’t Require Modding
We’ve seen loads of Minecraft mods over the years that bring Pokemon into the blocky world. However, this latest project brings in a full Pokemon game type, yet it doesn’t require any mods at all! All you need to play is the vanilla Minecraft Version 1.8.8 and you can download the map and play it, it’s that simple!
Pokemon Cobalt and Amethyst has been in development now for over a year, with the aim of recreating the original 1996 Pokemon game, although it goes on to add new regions, stories, 136 new Pokemon, and much more!
Unfortunately, it’s only available in singleplayer right now, so you won’t be doing this online, but with Phoenix SC claiming a staggering 60-80 hours competition time, who needs friends!
Perhaps Nintendo will swoop in and shut the party down, as we all know they love DMCA more than anything these days. However, I would get in there now and play it while you can, as this is a huge project and it would be a shame to see it go to waste.
If you want to download the map, head on over to the official website here.
Pokémon Cobalt and Amethyst is a 1.8.8 single player vanilla Minecraft map that recreates the original Pokémon role-playing game in Minecraft. This includes battling, capturing, and training Pokémon, fighting trainers, and challenging Gym Leaders and, ultimately, the Pokémon League. Everything you love in Pokémon is now here as a vanilla adventure map, ready to play! Experience the open world and 3D sensation Minecraft offers!
The map places itself in a never-before-seen region, featuring a new set of 136 Pokémon and a new story dominated by an antagonist threatening to release a Legendary darkness that demands tribute. It is your task to seek the truth with the help of the region’s Professor and your rival – either capture it before it’s too late, or take Team Tempest down while saving the lives of those closest to you.