InSight Mars NASA Landing Stream To Start At Circa 8pm GMT
InSight Mars Landing Stream
You may have noticed over the last week or so that today marks the day in which the InSight probe will attempt to land on the surface of Mars. While you might think that this is relatively straightforward, success rates for Mars landings are actually rather poor at only around 40%. The thin atmosphere of the Red Planet has proven too difficult for many crafts. As such, the landing, which will take place later today, has been described by NASA as “seven minutes of terror”.
Well, if you were planning on watching it, in a report via CNET, we now finally have a time. The launch will be live-streamed at circa 8 pm GMT.
Where Can I Watch It?
Firstly, we should note that this time isn’t specific. Therefore, if you do want to watch it and be certain you don’t miss a thing, you might want to start checking at around 7:30 pm at the latest. As this is a space landing, timing isn’t going to be exact as there may be some unexpected events that cause a mild delay.
There are various ways you can watch the landing;
If you want to keep up-to-date though, we strongly recommend continually checking the Facebook NASA page. This will represent the first live-streamed NASA landing for over 8 years, so you’re not going to want to miss this!
What do you think? Are you planning to watch the landing? Are you excited? – Let us know in the comments!