Intel Core i3 14100F CPU Review

Overall Game Average FPS
Testing a variety of games allows you to see how a particular piece of hardware performs in that title, but with the ability to look at overall game averages and how they perform across all titles, we can extrapolate the positioning of that hardware compared to similar hardware on the market.

So that was kinda painful, but nothing was really that surprising. After all, this CPU is just a refresh of the last generation and that kind of leaves me in a weird place when I look forward to the 15th generation and what that might look like and you might find yourself asking if it was really worth it. Of course, to put things into perspective we always like to look at the overall performance across all of the games we tested, and we also need to decide if it’s actually worth buying or not.
So looking at the overall average FPS across all 16 of the games we tested, and would you look at that, the 14100 sits a small margin above the 13100F which then only sits a small margin above the 12100F so the trend has just continued and in all honesty, it’s getting a little tiresome. Now what is interesting is the differences in frame rates. If you look at the increase from the 12th gen to 13th gen equivalent then you’ll see that the frame rate went up by an average of 4 FPS, and then the jump from the 13th gen to the 14th gen was another 4 FPS, so at least Intel is consistent here so silver linings and all that I guess. What this means for comparison purposes against AMD isn’t much. The Ryzen 5 5600 is still 8% faster overall and comes in around the same price so really this comes down to a win for Team Red in terms of gaming.