Intel has been planning the discontinuation of some more of its processors. The processors to recieve the dreaded EOL (End of Life) status are across two platforms, LGA 775 and LGA 1156. The two “ClarkDale” 1156 processors to get the chop are some of the earliest releases from the series, the i5 661 and i3 530 both dual core parts. Then the LGA 775 processors to get the chop are from the Pentium and Celeron range. The Pentium dual core E5700, the Celeron E3500 and Celeron E3400 will all be going.
Intel will take orders for the LGA 1156 products right up until April 27th 2012 and then ship the last of them by October the 5th 2012. Whereas for the LGA 775 processors these go earlier, December the 30th this year is the latest order cut off date while June the 8th 2012 is when the last shipment is to be completed. Any remaining stock in Intel warehouses will be sold after that date if still remaining.
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