Intel NUC DCCP847DYE System Review
Intel’s NUC uses quite an interesting visual BIOS. I guess you could say it is the equivalent of the UEFI BIOS we see on most modern desktop motherboards. I myself really liked it and it is actually surprisingly intuitive and easy to use. I won’t explain every image to you as they are all pretty self explanatory. We grabbed images of all the main tabs for the Intel Visual BIOS.
It’s not for me personally atm. It’ll be a long time before I warm to something like this. If it goes from strength to strength and drops in price it could be viable.
Yeh that is basically what it needs. About a 30% price reduction to make it more attractive. I’d take a normal desktop system or laptop anyday.
These are turning out to be quite popular in the corporate space. More then enough power to do most tasks and support depts. love these as it is easy to just swap out when one goes wrong, resulting in little user downtime.