Intel’s new 500 series SSD not out yet
As some of you may remember Intel’s SSD roadmap for 2011-2012, the Q4 2011 should see the release of a new series of SSDs from Intel codenamed “Cherryville”.
The current 510 series of SSD drives based on 34nm Multi Level Cache drives and currently available in 120 and 250GB capacities is said to be replaced by the upcoming Cherryville drives.
Cherryville is a 25nm MLC based drive supporting SATA 6Gbps. As for the form factor, Intel is keeping current 2.5″, rather expected but still a relieve for those interested in it.
The brand name will be 5×0, on which we can speculate the possibility of the Intel 520 series.
Speculations aside, it’s confirmed that capacities will be 60GB, 120GB, 180GB, 240GB and 480GB.
Price wise, being an Intel SSD drive, we can’t expect them to be cheap since they rarely are.
Now if you look at the date, we’re right in the quarter that was supposed to see the release of Cherryville, and with slightly more than a month to go before the end of Q4, you can expect it to arrive very soon.