The Interview Becomes One of The Highest Rated Movies on The Web
Ryan Simmons / 10 years ago
Despite nobody having seen ‘The Interview’ yet, it has already become one of the highest rated films on the web. The Verge reports that the unreleased film has achieved a perfect 10/10 rating on IMDB, after over 22,000 people gave it such high praise.
22,607 IMDB users rated the movie a perfect 10 out of 10 stars, with 28,000 people giving it a 96% “want to see” rating on Rotten Tomatoes. All of this easily makes ‘The Interview’ one of the highest rated movies on the internet, despite professional critics who have seen the movie describing it as a “dumbing-down of the audience that began decades ago” with a “slob aesthetic”.
While not exactly the highest rated movie ever, it has certainly took the record for the highest ever rated movie nobody has actually seen.
Source: The Verge