In Win Unveil Stunning New Chassis Designs @ CES 2015
Peter Donnell / 10 years ago
In Win have transformed their brand in the last few years. They’ve gone from making fairly standard day-to-day chassis, to the most incredible chassis’ on the market today. Their latest models are proof of their design genius and while I’m sure they’re not to everyone’s taste, they’re certainly unique. Their new 503 takes the current K1 design and gives it a sleek front panel overhaul. The S-BOX takes many of the design points of their incredible, and expensive S-Frame and turns it into something more suitable for consumers who aren’t as rich as Scrooge Mc Duck.
The two chassis that really caught my personal attention had to be the 904 PLUS, which is bigger and better than ever, expanding on the design already laid out by their popular 901 and 904 chassis last year. Then of course we have the B.O.S.S. Cube, which is reminiscent of the dual chassis designs from Lian-Li, but still everything bit as awesome as you would expect.
We really can’t wait to put these new products through their paces later in the year, so stay tuned for featured reviews as soon as samples are available.