Apple recently announced the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus which look remarkably similar to the previous models. Despite this, the latest handsets feature a faster processor, 3D Touch sensors and a new Rose Gold finish. While critics weren’t overly enamored with the minor tweaks, it seems consumers are desperate to buy either handset and on course to set a new sales record. In an interview with PCMag, Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller, said:
“Customer response to iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus has been extremely positive and pre-orders this weekend were very strong around the world,”
“As many customers noticed, the online demand for iPhone 6s Plus has been exceptionally strong and exceeded our own forecasts for the pre-order period,”
“We are working to catch up as quickly as we can, and we will have iPhone 6s Plus as well as iPhone 6s units available at Apple retail stores when they open next Friday.”
While Apple didn’t release any specific data, early indications predict sales in excess of 10 million and their initial launch stock has already sold out. This occurred within a few days and it’s mind-blowing to see figures of this magnitude. In all honesty, I would have expected Apple’s appeal to have curtailed off after so many releases. Nevertheless, if the statistics are correct and Apple continues on its current sales rate, the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus will become the most successful launch in history.
Thank you PCMag for providing us with this information.
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