iPhone Gun Case?
Hands up! This is an armed robbery, well not armed, more like an iphonee heist; I would like to see the spell checker correct that. Anyway, a new product which has briefly been shot onto the market had aimed to have a unique selling point by turning your iPhone into a mock gun.
As the illustrative image below demonstrates, the product works by allowing the consumer to slide his or hers iPhone into a plastic handgun frame. This product had been marketed by online retailer Japan Trendshop for a nominal price of $49 (£31.50) this, however, was before the item disappeared from the website with the status being “product not found”
This item is silly, potentially dangerous and could have serious repercussions for the owner. Just imagine strolling into your local bank with what looks to be a gun handle sticking out of the side of your pocket and sounds as if it’s ringing, you will either be laughed at of shot, or both.
Confirmation of the silliness of this invention came from the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office who stated in a Facebook post that “A police officer’s job is hard enough, without having to make a split second decision in the dark of night when someone decides without thinking to pull this out while stopped for a motor vehicle violation,” This point is very valid, if a police officer only has a fraction of a second to determine if this gun is real or not, the consequences could be fatal for the recipient.
I do feel however it’s a sorry state of affairs when a phone case could potentially cause problems within society. It’s a silly invention, but it’s a product which in a different time might have been viewed more light-heartedly instead of having obvious connotations which could be fatal in today’s gun toting world.
Images courtesy of CNN Money and artist Freeport D Art page
Thank You CNET for providing us with this information