iPhone6 Stock Might Be Limited upon Launch
It has come out that there might be a possible shortage, or limited amount, of available iPhone 6 upon release, as supplies to Apple are scrambling to meet the demands for the new top model of fruit.
The shortage, or rather where the problem occurred, is in the panel production for the new device. In an attempt to make the new iPhone as thin as possible, Apple only designed the display to have one layer for the background lighting. This however wasn’t enough and the display was to dim, so the engineers had to get back to work to design a new display with two layers like in the current models.
Since Apple is readying two new devices this time and at the same time is preparing for the holiday sales, stock might be limited in some areas or for a time period. These news come from two independent display manufacturer, but we never know if it originates from Apple directly to increase the hype and first-day sales.
Output is said to be back on track now and suppliers are working flat-out to make up for lost time. All three suppliers and Apple declined to comment on the news.
Thank you Reuters for providing us with this information.