Is the BBB going after Mass Effect 3?
It seems that just about every way possible of expressing player unhappiness with the end of Mass Effect 3 is being explored. The latest news has the Better Business Bureau getting involved, with news that apparently Mass Effect 3 was falsely advertised, according to the BBB’s Marjorie Stephens.
In a posting on the organization’s Consumer News and Opinions Blog, Stephens explains that technically BioWare’s marketing campaign for the title contains false advertising. The problem apparently surrounds the use of absolutes in the advertising copy, which are normally avoided by advertisers.
While Stephens does make a good case and does explain it very well, it does not appear that the company is in trouble with the BBB. If nothing else, it is attracting a lot of attention to the BBB’s blog. It is difficult to say if anything will come of this, but at least people are continuing to talk about it, which isn’t all bad.
Source: Fudzilla